Optotune Headquarters
Optotune Switzerland AG
Bernstrasse 388
CH-8953 Dietikon
Tel: +41 58 856 3000
Email: info@optotune.com
VAT number: CHE-429.923.175
Business identification number (UID): CHE-311.775.897
We manufacture tunable optical components and provide services including R&D, prototyping, and production of tunable optics.
Optotune Slovakia - production
Optotune Slovakia s.r.o.
Suchovska 3187/5
917 01 Trnava
Tel: +421 905 376 401
Email: slovakia@optotune.com
VAT number: SK2120517575
Business identification number (UID): 50886240
North America representation
Mark Chernosky
MA 01545
Tel: +1 (508) 789 0707
Email: info@optotune.com
Optotune Sales Office Taiwan
11F., No.161, Sec. 4, Nanjing E.Rd.
Shongshan Dist., Taipei City 105406
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886 2 2508 0636
Email: taiwan@optotune.com