
Building on customer feedback and learnings from over a decade, we are proud to present Optotune’s most effective liquid lens, the EL-12-30-TC. Redesigned from the ground up, it makes use of the latest materials and manufacturing technologies to provide best performance in a compact form-factor.

The tunable lens can be shaped from a flat zero-state into a plano-concave or plano-convex lens, resulting in a focal power range of -6 to +10 diopters (at -250 to +250mA).

The new lens design has been optimized for fast response times and low thermal sensitivity. Cover glasses are AR-coated for 420 to 950nm.

Key advantages:

  • Slim housing that adds only 5.8mm in optical axis

  • Fast rise & settling times of 3ms & 10ms

  • Low temperature sensitivity <0.01dpt/°C

  • Low power consumption of 55mW for a 5 diopter range

Not sure this lens will work for you? Let’s talk - fill the contact form now.


Optotune's EL-12-30-TC is the ideal choice for:

EL-12-30-TC with thread adapters and Hirose connector (industrial version)


EL-12-30-TC compact OEM version


The following table summarizes the main specifications of the EL-12-30-TC series:

Product version Range of optical power (focal length) Wavefront error* Top thread Bottom thread
EL-12-30-TC-VIS-16D -6 dpt (-167 mm) to 10 dpt (100 mm) <0.15 / <0.23 λ None None
EL-12-30-TC-VIS-16D-C -6 dpt (-167 mm) to 10 dpt (100 mm) <0.15 / <0.23 λ C-mount male C-mount female

* Wavefront error provided in λ RMS @525nm with optical axis vertical / horizontal
* The model with C-mount thread adapter is available with built-in lens controller ECC-1C

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