ELM-T series 

The ELM-T series is made of telecentric lenses designed to accommodate Optotune’s electrically tunable lenses in the optical path.

This optimized design preserves telecentricity and allows for best optical performance. It also minimizes magnification change, which is linear with the working distance and can be easily calibrated. 

The ELM-T series currently supports magnifications ranging from 0.133x up to 4x and camera sensor formats from 1/2” up to 35mm.

Thanks to this optimisation process, our customers can benefit from: 

  • Distortion-free images 

  • Resolution close to diffraction limit 

  • No vignetting 

  • Integrated and fully tested modules

ELM-T series of telecentric lenses



Telecentric lenses with integrated Optotune focus tunable lenses are the ideal solution for:

  • Industrial microscopes

  • IC inspection

  • Mobile camera inspection

  • PCB inspection

Linkou telecentic lens with integrated EL-16-40-TC


The following table summarizes the main specifications of the telecentric lenses in collaboration with Opto Engineering:

PMAG Model Camera sensor format F # Working distance (mm) ECC-1C compatibility Test report
0.18-0.55x TCZEL23056 2/3" variable 115.0 - 155.0
0.243x TCEL23036 (a) 2/3" F/8 73.3 - 122.8
0.50x TCEL050 2/3" F/12 112.2 - 146.0 Download
0.67x TCEL066 2/3" F/12 112.3 - 146.0
0.75x TCEL075 2/3" F/12 112.5 - 146.0
1.00x TCEL100 2/3" F/12 107.0 - 124.0
1.50x TCEL150 (b) 2/3" F/16 117.9 - 142.1
2.50x TCEL250 (b) 2/3" F/20 117.8 - 142.2
3.50x TCEL350 (b) 2/3" F/24 117.8 - 142.2

Fully compatible

a) Performances calculated with monochromatic light (LED emission); performance range in white light is smaller.
b) Performances guaranteed when used with vertical optical axis.

Opto Engineering also provide specialty 360° lenses for inspecting holes or tubes. The PCBP Series are boroscopic lenses with variable focus that allow for inspection of tubes of different sizes. The PCHI Series are pericentric lenses with variable focus that allow for inspection of cavities of different sizes. All the above liquid lens solutions can be controlled directly by Opto Engineering’s ITALA G.EL cameras.

The following table summarizes the main specifications of the telecentric lenses in collaboration with Edmund Optics:

PMAG Model Camera sensor format F # Working distance (mm) ECC-1C compatibility
0.15x EO 36-188 1/2" F/10 169.0 - 265.0
0.24x EO 36-189 1/1.8" F/10 91.0 - 173.0
0.37x EO 36-190 1/1.8" F/10 84.0 - 101.0
0.75x EO 36-192 2/3" F/10 85.0 - 99.0

Fully compatible

The following table summarizes the main specifications of the telecentric lenses in collaboration with Linkhou:

PMAG Model Camera sensor format F # Working distance (mm) ECC-1C compatibility Test report
0.16x TS1-0166-258-EL 1" F/6.8 180.5 - 368.0
0.267x TS43F-0267-208-EL 4/3" F/7.5 138.6 - 263.6
0.28x TS12-028-115-EL 1/2" F/4.5 136.0 - 106.0
0.35x TS1-0346-138-EL 1" F/6.5 114.0 - 154.0
0.36x TS23-036-115-EL 2/3" F/4.5 107.0 - 135.3 Download
0.50x TS1-05-110-EL 1" F/7.2 95.0 - 122.6
0.56x TS43-056-200-EL 4/3" F/8.5 157.0 - 227.0
0.60x TS23-06-115-EL 2/3" F/4.5 100.0 - 125.0
0.60x TS11-06-160-EL 1.1" F/8 136.0-176.0 Download
0.638x TS1-0638-70-EL 1" F/8.6 61.0-72.3
0.80x TS11-08-110-EL 1.1" F/7.5 97.0-120.0
1.00x TST23-1.0-110-EL 2/3" F/10.0 98.8 - 122.8
2.00x TS23-2.0-110-EL 2/3" F/16.6 102.0 - 122.0
3.00x TS1-3.0-110-EL 1" F/19.6 95.0 - 120.0
4.00x TS1-4.0-110-EL 1" F/22.9 99.0 - 118.0
6.00x TS1-6.0-110-EL 1" F/37.7 96.0 - 121.0
6.00x TS28.6mm-6.0-65-EL 1.76" F/30.2 60.0 - 70.0

Fully compatible

Note: Optotune EL-16-40-TC-VIS-5D-C is not included in assembly provided by Linkhou and it has to be ordered as separate unit.

The following table summarizes the main specifications of the bi-telecentric lenses in collaboration with OPT:

PMAG Model Camera sensor format F # Working distance (mm) ECC-1C compatibility
0.5x OPT-HP05-LQLTC-110 1.1" F/6.5 105 - 112.8
1.0x OPT-HP10-LQLTC-110 1.1" F/7 104.8 - 115.2
2.0x OPT-HP20-LQLTC-65 1.1" F/7 63 - 67
4.0x OPT-HP40-LQLTC-65 1.1" F/12 60.5 - 63.2

Configured with ECC-1C by default

The following table summarizes the main specifications of the telecentric lenses in collaboration with Sill Optics:

PMAG Model Camera sensor format NA Working distance (mm) ECC-1C compatibility Test report
0.193x S5VPJ1565 1" 0.01 193.6 - 338.7
0.289x S5VPJ6060 * 1" 0.02 137.4 - 205.8
0.311x S5VPJ1260 * 1" 0.02 155.1 - 211.2
0.578x S5VPJ2898 * 1" 0.03 81.8 - 98.2
1.500x S5VPJ6415 * 1.1" 0.095 71 - 84
2.000x S5VPJ6420 * 1.1" 0.05 60.0 - 76 Download
2.500x S5VPJ6425 * 1.1" 0.05 53 - 69

Fully compatible

* Lenses also support coaxial illumination

The following table summarizes the main specifications of the telecentric lenses in collaboration with VS-Technology:

PMAG Model Camera sensor format F # Working distance (mm) ECC-1C compatibility Test report
0.5x VS-TCH05-110CO-LQL 2/3" F/9.5 99.4 - 119.0
1x VS-THV1-110/S-LQL1 1" F/10 106.1 - 120.0 Download
2x VS-THV2-110/S-LQL1 1" F/9.6 105.4 - 115.6
2x VS-TCH2-65-LQL1 2/3" F/13.5 63.5 - 66.1 Download
4x VS-TCH4-65-LQL1 2/3" F/17.5 64.7 - 65.3
6x VS-TCH6-65CO-LQL1 2/3" F/27.3 65.8 - 65.9
10x VS-TM10-55CO-LQL1 2/3" F/22.3 55.18 - 55.28

Fully compatible

Telecentric lens selector

Screenshot 2021-03-30 175408.png

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